Voting Absentee is a secure and comprehensive site hosted by the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office. Here you can register to vote, apply for an absentee ballot, see what’s on your ballot, track your ballot and check your polling place location.

You can early vote by using an absentee ballot instead of voting in person at the polling place on election day. You can vote early by mail, in person or by having a person you know pick up and deliver your ballot for you.

Absentee ballots are available 46 days before an election up until 5:00 pm on the Monday before an election. In 2024, the dates absentee ballots are available are:

Absentee ballots are available in the Lake County Auditor’s office, located at 601 3rd Avenue in Two Harbors (Lake County Courthouse).

Vote Absentee By Mail

You can complete and submit an absentee ballot application online or download an absentee ballot application and then mail, fax or email it to our office.

Mail to: Lake County Auditor, 601 3rd Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616
Fax: (218) 834-8358

Election officials will mail the absentee ballot materials to you soon after receiving your application. Once you receive your ballot in the mail, follow the instructions carefully. You will need a witness to sign the absentee ballot signature envelope to confirm your ballot was delivered blank and that you marked the ballot in private. The witness must be another registered Minnesota voter or a notary from any state. Also be sure to return your ballot so that it arrives on or before Election Day or it will not be counted.

Returning your Ballot

Voters may return their absentee ballot by mail using the supplied stamped envelope, dropped off at the Auditor’s office during business hours, or deposited into the secure drop box.

Auditor’s Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Drop Box location: Lake County Courthouse, Law Enforcement Center

613 3rd Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616

Vote Absentee In Person

You can request, receive and cast an absentee ballot at the Auditor’s Office in Two Harbors.

Track Your Absentee Ballot

You can track the progress of your absentee ballot with the absentee ballot lookup tool at If there is a problem with your ballot, we will send a replacement.

Voters in The Military and Citizens Outside the United States

There is a different process for citizens who are in the military or living outside the United States. The Military and Overseas Voter Service provided by the Minnesota Secretary of State is a great resource to guide you through the process of receiving your absentee ballot.

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