Introduction to Circular Doubly Linked List

A circular doubly linked list is defined as a circular linked list in which each node has two links connecting it to the previous node and the next node.

Circular doubly linked list

Characteristics of Circular Doubly Linked List :

A circular doubly linked list has the following properties:

Applications of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists are used in a variety of applications, some of which include:

To learn more about applications of circular doubly linked lists, refer to this article .

Important operations related to Doubly Circular Linked List

Advantages of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) have the following benefits:

To learn more about the advantages of circular doubly linked list, refer to this article .

Disadvantages of Circular Doubly Linked List :

Circular doubly linked lists have the following drawbacks when used in DSA:

To learn more about the disadvantages, refer to this article .

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